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Dogs + Pet Services

  • The Chinese Shar-Pei tends to present one face to his family and another to the world at large. To the latter, the dog behaves in a calm, dignified and aloof manner; with his family, the dog will lighten up and tap into his inner clown.

  • Playful, dedicated and eager to please, they'd make lousy guard dogs. They are calm, non-aggressive, and would rather hang out with their owners than run too far away in open areas.

  • To the uninformed, the Chow Chow may bear a greater resemblance to a bear or a lion than to a dog. However, those in the know understand that this ancient, aristocratic breed makes a fine companion - especially for people who would rather not have a Velcro dog.

  • This handout summarizes the normal function of the dog heart, and outlines the abnormalities and changes associated with degeneration of the four different valves found in the heart. An explanation is provided of clinical signs associated with valve disease, as well as the recommended tests and treatments for this condition. Staging of heart disease is also discussed.

  • The kidneys have many functions. They are primarily responsible for removing waste from the body and unfortunately in some dogs they will begin to fail at this task. Various tests will be done to determine the stage of kidney disease. Treatment will be recommended to help preserve the remaining kidney function and improve quality of life. Most dogs will respond well to treatment and can live a good life.

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a slowly progressing cancer of a type of white blood cell called a lymphocyte. It can develop at any age but is more typically detected in middle-aged to senior dogs. It also seems to be more prevalent in German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers. This disease is often asymptomatic and detected on routine lab screening. Further diagnostic procedures, as well as treatments and prognoses, are described in this handout.

  • Cirnechi are friendly, affectionate, and loyal – but they're also independent and incredibly intelligent. Although they're only moderate energy dogs, they need plenty of mental stimulation in order to be happy.

  • Clonidine is a medication that is used to treat behavioral disorders in dogs, particularly anxiety or phobia-related. Give as directed. Side effects are generally mild if present and include sedation, lethargy, agitation/excitation, aggression, and constipation. Monitoring blood pressure as well as heart rate and rhythm is recommended with chronic use. If you suspect an overdose or an adverse reaction to the medication, call your veterinary office immediately.

  • Clostridial enterotoxicosis is a complex and poorly understood syndrome characterized by diarrhea that is associated with the bacteria Clostridium perfringens (CP). It is associated with either acute or chronic diarrhea. Clostridial enterotoxicosis is not caused by the bacteria directly, but rather by a toxin produced by the bacteria. Most cases of intestinal bacterial overgrowth are treated on an outpatient basis using antibiotics, nutrition, and probiotics.

  • Nobody would call him "slender," but when he trots down the street with that funny rolling gait, his short legs and wide body doing their best to keep up the pace, he makes everybody smile. The stockiest spaniel, the Clumber is also the most easygoing - in fact, one of the most low-keyed of all sporting dogs.